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कोरोना की पहली आयुर्वे दवा / योग गुरु रामदेव ने कोरोनिल टैबलेट लॉन्च की, दावा- क्लीनिकल ट्रायल में 7 दिन में 100% मरीज ठीक हुए - Bhaskar.com
100 मरीजों पर क्लीनिकल कंट्रोल ट्रायल
रामदेव का दावा है कि कोरोनिल की क्लीनिकल केस स्टडी में 280 मरीजों को शामिल किया। फिर 100 मरीजों के ऊपर क्लीनिकल कंट्रोल ट्रायल की गई। 3 दिन के अंदर 69% मरीज पॉजिटिव से निगेटिव हो गए और 7 दिन के अंदर 100% रोगी ठीक हो गए। डेथ रेट 0% रहा।
600 रुपए में मिलेगी 3 दवाओं की कोरोना किट
रामदेव ने जो कोरोना किट लॉन्च की है, उसमें कोरोनिल के अलावा श्वासारि वटी और अणु तेल भी हैं। रामदेव का कहना है कि तीनों को साथ इस्तेमाल करने से कोरोना का संक्रमण खत्म हो सकता है और महामारी से बचाव भी संभव है। यह किट 600 रुपए में मिलेगी।
श्वासारि सर्दी-खांसी-जुकाम से एक साथ डील करती है
रामदेव ने कहा कि शरीर में ऑक्सीजन की कमी होने पर श्वासारि देने से फायदा होता है। यह दवा सर्दी, खांसी, जुकाम को भी एक साथ डील करती है। यह मुलेठी, शहद, अदरक और तुलसी जैसी 16 जड़ी-बूटियों से बनी है। अणुतेल नाक में डालना होता है। ये भी कोरोना से बचाव करता है।
7 दिन में पतंजलि स्टोर में मिलने लगेगी किट
रामदेव ने कहा कि अगले सोमवार को ऑर्डर-मी ऐप लॉन्च करेंगे, जिससे देशभर के लोग घर बैठे दवा मंगवा सकेंगे। ऑर्डर की डिलीवरी 1-3 दिन में कर दी जाएगी। साथ ही अगले 7 दिन में दवा सभी पतंजलि स्टोर में भी मिलने लगेगी।
Source - www.bhaskar.com
यह मानना कि #चीन कभी गुलाम नहीं रहा, भारत में फैलाए गए झूठ का अनुसरण है। चीन अनेक बार गुलाम रहा है
योग,आसन,अध्यात्म एवं व्यायाम
World Tourism Day to see launch of Medical & Wellness Tourism Board
The Ministry of Tourism will announce the establishment of the Medical & Wellness Tourism Board and its functioning on the occasion of World Tourism Day on September 27, 2015. The Minister of State for Culture (Independent Charge), Tourism (Independent Charge) and Civil Aviation, Dr. Mahesh Sharma informed this while interacting live on the social media with BBC Hindi in New Delhi. He said that there will now be a focused approach to Medical Tourism and all the information will be made available on a single portal. The Minister disclosed that information dissemination will also take place through the 14 overseas offices of the Ministry of Tourism. The Minister said that in order to ensure safety and security of tourists especially the women tourists, the Ministry of Tourism has set up the ‘Incredible India Helpline’ service.
The service is available on toll free telephone no. 1800111363 or on a short code 1363 for tourists. The Ministry of Tourism has set up the Parytak Police (Tourist Police) with the help of states for the security of tourists. Tourism Secretary Vinod Zutshi, while participating in the Public Speak Programme gave details about the Government’s plan to promote eco-tourism with the help of states to generate employment in the rural areas.
Ministry of Tourism also launches several new initiatives on World Tourism Day
Medical and Wellness Tourism Board constituted, Tourism Vision Document 2030 released
The Union Minister of State for Tourism (Independent Charge), Culture (Independent Charge), and Civil Aviation, Dr Mahesh Sharma announced the constitution of the Medical and Wellness Tourism Promotion Board at a function in New Delhi today. The Board has been formed to tap the potential and advantages that India has in the field of medical and wellness tourism. The Centre of Excellence in Hospitality Education to operate from Hotel Samrat in New Delhi was also inaugurated at today’s function. Release of Tourism Vision Document 2030, launch of the revamped website of Ministry of Tourism http://tourism.gov.in/ which has now been made bilingual, release of Audio Visual Presentation ‘ Introduction to India’ and a seminar on the theme of World Tourism Day 2015 “ One Billion Tourist, One Billion Opportunities” were some of the other highlights of today’s function on the occasion of World Tourism Day.
Speaking on the occasion, Dr Mahesh Sharma said that low cost medical facilities are India’s strength and we must take advantage of the same for the purpose of promoting tourism. It is for this reason that the Government took the important decision of setting up the Medical and Wellness Tourism Promotion Board. The Board will have a corpus fund of Rs 2 crore initially, the Minister disclosed. Dr Mahesh Sharma said that the AYUSH facilities will be promoted along with regular medical facilities.
Dr Mahesh Sharma also announced that Discover India fares of Air India. Under the scheme, a tourist can discover India in one or two weeks at a reasonable travel cost. A Tourist can buy 5 coupons for Rs 32,500 (15 days validity) or 10 coupons for Rs 60,000 (30 days validity) for exciting Indian destinations, serviced by Air India & Alliance Air without worrying about ticket price fluctuation. In another initiative, Air India will introduce Incredible Air India holiday packages from 1st December, 2015. Air India will also launch Delhi-San Francisco flight from 2nd December, 2015 onwards which will fly thrice a week, Dr Mahesh Sharma announced.
Secretary, Tourism, Sh. Vinod Zutshi; CMD, ITDC Sh. Umang Kumar; CMD, Air India, Sh. Ashwani Lohani and other Senior Officials and members of the Travel Industry Stakeholders attended the function.
The details of some of the new initiatives launched today are as below:
Medical and Wellness Tourism Promotion Board: The Board will provide leadership of the Government within a framework of prudent and effective measures, thereby enabling promotion and positioning of India as a competent and credible medical and wellness tourism destination. The Board will be chaired by the Union Tourism Minister and consists of members representing the related Government Departments, Tourism & Hospitality sector and experts in the Medical, Wellness and Yoga.
Ashok Institute of Hospitality & Tourism Management – Centre of Excellence : The Ashok Institute of Hospitality & Tourism Management is part of the HRD division of India Tourism Development Corporation Ltd.,(ITDC) a PSU under Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India. As part of its contribution towards supplying trained manpower to the Hospitality Industry, ITDC has envisioned to set up a Centre of Excellence in Hospitality Education at Hotel Samrat, New Delhi. The courses offered by AIH&TM are a blend of the rich heritage and culture of India and hospitality management education system. It provides the students with a world class contemporary education to have an edge over others in the field.
Tourism Vision Document 2030: The document goes into the challenges for the sector and details the way towards Vision 2030. ‘Tourism vision 2030’ has been commissioned by the Experience India Society and prepared by KPMG.
Launch of Bi-Lingual Website of Ministry of Tourism: The official website of the Ministry http://tourism.gov.in/ has been revamped and translated in Hindi. This Administrative website of the Ministry of Tourism contains the activities and information of all the divisions of the Ministry including the web based E-Recognition System for recognition of Travel Trade Service Providers and Approval and Classification of Hotels.
Audio Visual Presentation ‘ Introduction to India’ : The Indian Association of Tour Operators, the Apex Body of Tourism Industry and especially promoting inbound tourism to our country has produced a 6 minutes AV presentation depicting all tourism products of India and a element of human engagement with the various tourism products . This video presentation is to be used by IATO in all its promotional activities including Road Shows, international travel marts and other industry Interactions.
A seminar on the theme of World Tourism Day 2015 “ One Billion Tourist,One Bilion Opportunities” was held, with Shri Vikram Oberoi, President Hotel Association of India, Shri Subhash Goyal, President Indian Association of India and Shri Atul Bhatnagar, Chief Operating Officer of National Skill Development Corporation as panellists.
Among other important events, a street play was also enacted today at the Dilli Hatt, INA Market by the Students of Institute of Hotel Management, PUSA, New Delhi on the theme “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan-Swachh Bharat Swachh Paryatan”. Speaking on the occasion, the Tourism Minister, Dr Mahesh Sharma made an appeal to provide clean, safe and hospitable environment to the tourists. It is our moral responsibility to conduct ourselves properly with the tourists and especially foreign tourists, he added. The students performed the play at regular intervals throughout the day to sensitize the tourists and visitors to Dilli Haat about keeping India clean.
Government of India
Ministry of Tourism
Foundation stone laid for Paryatan Bhawan
Union Minister for Finance, Corporate Affairs and Information & Broadcasting, Arun Jaitley laid the foundation stone of the new office complex of the Ministry of Tourism ‘Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhayay Paryatan Bhawan’ at Mandir Marg in New Delhi on the occasion of World Tourism Day.
The foundation stone was laid in the presence of the Union Minister of State for Tourism (Independent Charge), Culture (Independent Charge), and Civil Aviation, Dr Mahesh Sharma and Member of Parliament, Meenakshi Lekhi. Tourism Secretary Vinod Zutshi, senior officials of MOT and NDMC Chairman Naresh Kumar were also present at the function. Jaitley said that we need modern airports and maximum inflow of flights for attracting international tourists. Indian Tourism Centres should be opened in those countries from where we receive maximum tourist inflow, he explained. Clean railway stations and a good experience of rail travel is another component along with availability of low and medium budget hotels. Highlighting the role of states, he said that for creating strong tourism infrastructure, it is important to take the help of states. The Finance Minister said that the new Paryatan Bhawan will now provide a base for working on all aspects of tourism and increasing the potential of tourism in India. Sharma said that tourism is the engine of economic growth and we need to increase India’s share in world tourism from 0.68 to 1 % by 2020 to realise the full potential of this sector. Tourism helps in women empowerment and youth employment.
Zutshi said that tourism is an important instrument of economic growth. We must utilize every opportunity to enhance tourism in India which can help in building the economy and generate employment. Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhayay Paryatan Bhawan is a project of Ministry of Tourism for multilevel car parking cum new office complex. The new building will be structure of G+3 storeys plus 2 basements with stack car parking with area of 23,000 Sq. Meter. Estimated cost for the project is Rs 150 crore approx.
Starwood’s Aloft to debut in Delhi in 2016
Starwood will be launching its first Aloft in New Delhi at Aerocity. Aloft New Delhi Aerocity, which is set to open on December 1, 2016, will have 1,335 square meters of meeting space along with high speed internet access in all the meeting/event facilities. The hotel, which will have 200 guest rooms, has an outfitted tactic with the best A/V set-up, including a 50” flat-panel plasma TV with both laptop hook-up and a DVD player.