Jim Corbett National Park
Feel The Magic Of The Place Which Could Turn A Famous Hunter Into A Great Conservationist – ‘Sir Jim Corbett’
Corbett National Park has captured the imagination of many with its diverse wildlife and breathtaking landscapes. The natural uniqueness of the area was recognised long ago and so in 1936 Corbett attained the distinction as the first national park to be established in mainland Asia.
Its geographical location between the Himalayas and the terai, and the streams, rivers and ridges crisscrossing the terrain, present Corbett with a remarkable variety of landscapes. This vivid mosaic of habitats – wet and dry, plain and mountainous, gentle and rugged, forests and grasslands – supports numerous plant and animal species, representing Himalayan as well as plains kinds. The most famous of Corbett’s wild residents are the Bengal Tiger and the Asiatic Elephant, but with about 600 species of avifauna Corbett is one of the richest bird regions of India.
Habitats and Ecosystems
The matrix of diverse geological features of Corbett has given rise to an equally varied set of communities of life forms that live in them. Such habitats, along with their resident flora and fauna, form distinct ecosystems that are recognizable when you travel through Corbett.
Mountains are different from other landforms because they have an unusual variation in altitude, relief, temperature, slope and the amount of sunlight received. Therefore, there is great diversity in mountain habitats and mountain plant and animal communities have unique characteristics. However, mountain ecosystems are also delicate and unstable. Owing to the thinness of soil and the high propensity to erosion deforestation degrades mountains much swiftly and more irreversibly than other areas.
Sal Forests
Sal (Shorea rubusta) is a handsome tree that grows up to 35 m tall and has a majestic, shining foliage. Sal is the main tree species of Corbett and often grows as dense forest. Sal forests represent tropical monsoon type of climate that occur in areas with 100-200 cm rainfall annually and grow at 200-1200 m above sea level.
These sal forests forms an important wildlife habitat throughout northern and central India. Being tall and robust sal trees allow several layers of vegetation to grow under or alongside them. Hence the sal forest ecosystem has a wide variety of trees, shrubs, herbs, climbers, fungi, lichens and mosses. Naturally, the life of many mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians is linked to sal forests directly or indirectly – for food or shelter.
Khair & sissoo forests
Khair and Sissoo are the first trees to come up on freshly exposed ground and newly deposited alluvium. They have special nodules on their roots that add nitrogen to the soil and improve fertility. Once khair-sissoo are established, they improve soil, add nutrients and control temperature and winds, and thus help more advanced vegetation to grow. The climax of this gradual process is the formation of sal forests and takes many decades, even centuries to culminate. Khair-sissoo forests provide shade and cover to large mammalians like sambar deer and also tiger and leopard. They also provide roosts and nesting places for birds.
These forests are found on sandy, gravelly areas all along the Ramganga and other streams, and are quite visible near Dhikala, Phulai, Patairpani and on Kanda road.
Probably the most unique vegetation habitat of Corbett is the chaur, a local name for extensive savannah grasslands.
Chaurs are manmade clearings that were once used for agriculture but presently form a rich growth of various species of medium to tall grasses. These areas are favoured by elephants and deer and provide shelter to many grassland birds e.g. partridges. The presence of deer attracts tigers to chaurs. Hence, they are the best places to look for tigers.
Since chaurs form vital wildlife habitat, their maintenance is an important activity undertaken by the Park authorities. This is done during winter by a careful exercise of artificial burning. This induces a fresh growth of grasses that deer and other grazers feed upon.
The major chaurs of Corbett occur mainly in the Patli Dun area of the Park. The most important ones are: Dhikala, Phulai, Khinanauli, Paterpani, Mohanpani, Bijrani and Bhadhai. Another noted chaur Boxar, now lies submerged under the Ramganga reservoir.
Rivers and Streams
The Ramganga and its tributaries, and the numerous sots form an important segment of the Corbett habitat. Besides providing water they form home to many plant and animal communities. Many species of fish live in the perennial waters of the Ramganga and its tributaries. The most celebrated among them is the mahseer, with other known ones being the goonch, and several species of carps and loaches. These fish form an important food resource to many other animals higher up in the food chain.
IUCN Class : II
State : Uttaranchal
District : Nainital 165.76 Sq. Km. Pauri
Garhwal 355.06 Sq. Km.
Area : Corbett National Park 520.82 Sq. Km.
Sonanadi Wildlife Sanctuary 301.18 Sq. Km.
Reserve Forest 466.32 Sq. Km.
Total : 1288.32. Sq. Km.
Year of Notification : 1935-36
Location : In the Himalayan foothills (Bhabar
tract) in Nainital & Pauri Garhwal
districts of Uttaranchal State Special
Status : 1st Tiger Reserve, 1st
National Park of India.
Topography : Shivalik foot hills.
Altitude : 400 mt - 1200 mt.
Longitude : 78033'E-78046'E.
Latitude : 29013'N-29035'N.
Climate : (Temp. in 0C)
Max. Min.
Nov.-Feb. 250 - 300 40 - 80
Mar.-Apr. 350 - 400 90 - 130
May-Jun 440 - 460 190 - 220
Climate : Summers (March to June) are warm. During monsoon (June-October) the park remains closed. Winter (Nov. to Feb.) is the best time to pay a visit to the park with cool to moderately cold temperatures.
The tiger has always had a close association Corbett National Park – earlier through the writings of Jim Corbett and other shikaris and later because of the launch of Project Tiger, India’s tiger conservation programme, initiated from the Park’s soil on 1st April 1973.
The tiger is an indicator of a healthy wilderness ecosystem. If the tiger is protected, our forests will also live. And forests mean good air and plenty of freshwater, both of which affect our own survival.
The Asian Elephant
The elephant, largest of the land mammals, has been an integral part of the history, mythology, tradition, culture and religion of India.
Asian elephants live in a variety of habitats. They prefer a combination of grassland, shrubbery, and forest.
Corbett Tiger Reserve has about 700 Asian elephants. They are part of the migratory population that also lives in Rajaji National Park. Earlier, there were much fewer elephants in Corbett but their population in the park has increased significantly in recent decades. Although, present throughout the Park, elephants are most easily sighted in Dhikala chaur, Phulai chaur, and near the Saddle Dam.
Corbett has four species of deer. They are the most frequently sighted large mammals in the Park.
(Axis axis) or Spotted deer is the commonest of deer species of Corbett. It is also the most beautiful, with characteristic white spots on its reddish-brown body. Chital are ecologically important because they form an important prey base for carnivores like leopards and tigers. They also help in dispersal of plant seeds including grasses and also tree and shrub species like amla, ber, etc.
Para or Hog Deer (Axis porcinus) is the rarest of Corbett’s deer. It is closely related to the chital but is smaller in size. This species mostly inhabits grasslands, swampy areas and clearings and is usually nocturnal
Sambar (Cervus unicolor) is the largest deer found in Corbett. Its body is largely a uniform greyish-brown in colour, except for the creamy white on the backsides and under-tail areas. Males have antlers up to 1 m long that are periodically shed and replaced. Male sambar also have dense manes on their necks.
Sambar are mostly found in dense forests with a gently sloping to steep topography. They are known to reach altitudes as high as 3,700 m. Sambar browse on leaves, berries, fallen fruit, leaves and tender bark of young trees, and also graze on grasses and sedges. These deer are mostly active solitary but may be found in small groups during the mating season. They let out a loud, repetitive alarm call when they sense a threat. These signals are used by trackers to locate tigers. Sambar is the most important prey species for the tiger and presence of sambar usually indicates a good tiger habitat.
Kakar emit a typical dog-like alarm “bark” when they sense the presence of a predator. Barking may carry on continuously for up to an hour. They are active both during daytime and at night. They are a prey for tigers, leopards, jackals and pythons.
The Leopard (Panthera pardus) is the other large cat found in Corbett. Compared to the tiger leopards are smaller, more graceful and have a long agile body that has rosettes instead of stripes. It also has the ability to limb trees. Leopards are quite versatile, adaptable to a variety of terrains as well as to a broad range of prey that includes everything from insects and rodents up to large ungulates.
There are two species of primates found in Corbett. The Rhesus Macaque (Macaca mulatta) is the commonest monkey of the Indian subcontinent. It lives in a wide range of habitats – from plains to the Himalayas at elevations up to 3000 m – and is quite adaptable to humans. Its body is earthy brown in colour and buttocks are reddish. The Rhesus is quite a lively and vocal animal. It lives in large troupes of up to two hundred individuals. Large dominant males (called alpha males) lead these groups. It is omnivorous, and often eats roots, herbs, fruits, insects, crops, and small animals.
Hanuman or Common Langur
(Semnopithecus entellus) has an unmistakable appearance - a light body, dark face and a very long tail. It is considered to be sacred in many parts of India and is found in many environments, from desert edge to forests. Langurs are vegetarian and feed mainly on leaves, buds, flowers, fruit, and seeds. Feeding activity is generally in the early morning and late afternoon. Like monkeys, langurs too live in troupes led by dominant males. In the trees, they are remarkably agile and can make horizontal leaps of 3-5 m.
Himalayan Goral or Ghural
(Nemorhaedus goral) is a goat-like animal that occurs in the Himalayas between 1,000 to 4,000 m. It lives in small groups on sparse mountainous slopes and cliff faces with crevices. It is remarkably sure footed and can move at high speeds even over near vertical terrain. Goral are active at dawn
Wild boar (Sus scrofa) is the ancestor of the domesticated pig that lives in moist forests and scrub. It has long, curved canine teeth (called tusks) that are used for digging food and as weapons. Wild boar feed on roots, tubers, fruits, shrubs, bird eggs, insects, mice, snakes, frogs and carrion. They usually move in groups both at day and night.
The Asiatic Jackal
(Canis aureus) is a member of the dog family. It is found in open country, short grasslands and has also adapted to living near human settlements.
It comes out during the night to forage for food. Its omnivorous diet consists of deer fawns, rodents, hares, birds, eggs, reptiles and amphibians and various fruits especially ber and jamun. The jackal is also an opportunistic scavenger, readily raiding garbage bins.
Corbett is one of the few places in India where three species of otter are found existing together. Otters are an important component in the ecology of the Park, especially the Ramganga and its tributaries. Otters are indicators of a healthy river ecosystem. The species of otters occurring in Corbett Park are Eurasian or Common otter (Lutra lutra monticola), Smooth-coated otter (Lutra perspicillata) and Small-clawed otter (Aonyx cinerea). Fish forms the majority of the otters’ diet, except in case of Small-clawed otter, which primarily feeds on insects and other invertebrates.
Gharial and Mugger
Corbett has two of India’s three crocodilian species. It is considered to be one of the best spots to see the Gharial (Gavialis gangeticus), one of the largest and most endangered crcodilians of the world. It is found only in the Indian subcontinent. The gharial’s slender snout is adapted to eat fish so it does not attack humans or larger mammals. Young gharials may eat invertebrates and insects.
About 100 gharials live in the Ramganga and can be seen swimming in its deep pools or basking in the sun on its banks. These were released as part of the conservation programme for gharials. Though it has been saved from extinction, the gharial is still critically endangered.
The still waters of Corbett, especially the Ramganga reservoir, are home to the Mugger crocodile (Crocodylus palustris). Muggers are more general carnivores and take a variety of animals as food. Muggers are also found in Nakatal, Corbett’s only lake.
Mahseer and other Fishes
Corbett is home to many species of freshwater fish. The Ramganga, Palain, Sonanadi and Mandal rivers, provide vital habitat and breeding grounds for them. Fish form a fundamental link in the food chain for many key species like the gharial, otters, fish-eagles, kingfishers, ospreys, storks, fish-owls, egrets, darters and pelicans.
The most celebrated of the fishes is the Golden Mahseer (Tor putitora), a large freshwater river fish belonging to the carp family. It has a magnificent appearance – sap green body with bright orange scales. Mahseer is considered to be one of the most prized fish for anglers all over the world. Other important fish species of Corbett are Goonch (Bagarius bagarius), Indian trout (Barilius bola) and Rohu (Labeo rohita)
Sustainable angling, as opposed to intensive fishing, benefits conservation of prized fishes like mahseer. Angling is allowed in certain areas in the buffer region of Corbett after taking permits from the Forest Department.
Reptiles live in a great variety of habitats. But apart from the gharial and mugger the other reptiles of Corbett have not been studied in great detail. Several species of snakes have been reported from here, including the King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) and Indian Cobra (Naja naja). Indian Rock Pythons (Python molurus) are frequently sighted and there also exist several kinds of vipers, kraits and boas.
The Bengal Monitor (Varanus bengalensis) is the most imposing of Corbett’s lizards. The list includes nine other species of Agamas, Geckos and Skinks
Amphibians occupy a wide range of niches from forest floor to freshwater swamp, and from urban areas to mountain torrents. As of now, there are seven species of toad and frog occurring in the Park.
The different habitat types of Corbett i.e. mountains, sal forests, chaurs, khair-sissoo forests, and rivers have their distinct assemblage of plants. More than 600 species of trees, shrubs, herbs, bamboos, grasses, climbers and ferns have been identified in the Park.
Chir pine (Pinus roxburghi) is the only conifer of the Park and is found on ridge-tops like Chir Choti but comes quite low in Gajar Sot. The upper reaches near Kanda haveBanj Oak (Quercus leucotrichophora) growing which is essentially a Himalayan species.
Palms include Khajur or Date-palm (Phoenix sp.) that occurs in open areas. Wallachia densiflora is a rare palm characteristic of Eastern Himalayas but is found in Corbett near Sultan.
Kanju (Holoptelia integrifolia), Jamun (Syzygium cumini) and Aamla (Emblica officinalis) are found scattered throughout the lower areas while Tendu (Diospyros tomentosa) occurs in moist areas. Other major tree species are Bel (Aegle marmalos), Kusum (Schleichera oleosa), Mahua (Madhuca indica) and Bakli (Anogeissus latifolia).
Flowering trees lend colour to the forests in Corbett. The main ones are Kachnaar (Bauhinia variegata) with pink to white flowers, Semal (Bombax ceiba) with big red blooms, Dhak or Flame-of-the-forest (Butea monosperma) with bright orange flowers, Madaar or Indian Coral (Erythrinia indica) with scarlet red flowers and Amaltas (Cassia fistula) with bright yellow chandelier like blooms.
Some species of trees that do not occur naturally in the Park have been artificially planted in and around habitation. These include Teak (Tectona grandis), Eucalyptus, Jacaranda (Jacaranda mimosaefolia), Silver Oak (Gravillea robusta) and Bottlebrush (Callistemon viminalis), and can be seen in and around forest rest houses.
Shrubs dominate the tree understorey and scrub areas. There are several species of Ber (Zizyphus sp.) in open areas and provide food and habitat to many birds and animals. Maror phali (Helicteres isora) is an easily noticeable shrub. Its fruits are in the form of twisted spiralling pods. Karaunda (Carissa sp.), with pinkish-white flowers and sour fruit, is found under sal. Hisar (Rubus ellipticus) has yellow, juicy, mulberry-like fruits that are savoured by animals.
Jhau (Tamarix dioica) is found along the Ramganga basin on sandy or rocky soil. Colebrookia oppsitifolia and Adhatoda vasica are found in nallahs.
In some parts of Corbett the vegetation is dominated by bamboo forest. The main species is Male Bamboo (Dendrocalamus strictus) having clustered stout stems and shining papery stem sheaths.
Bamboos follow a peculiar flowering process. All bamboos in a forest flower together at the same time once in several decades. After flowering, fruiting and dispersal of seeds, all individuals die together.
Herbs include many species of wildflowers belonging mostly to Pea and Aster families. They are most visible on grasslands or chaurs and on open areas.
Drymaria diandra is a spreading annual herb with heart shaped leaves and occurs in moist shady places. Bhilmora (Rumex hastatus) is a sour tasting herb used for making chutney. Other species encountered in Corbett are Euphorbia hirta, a hairy herb, Indigofera liniofolia with bright red flowers, Clover (Oxalis sp.) with three leaflets,Solanum sp. and Leonotis nepatafolia (orange flowers and spiky round fruits).
Grasses form the largest group of plant species in Corbett with more than 70 species recorded. They occupy different habitats, especially chaurs.
They include Kansi (Saccharum sp.), Themeda arundinacea, Baib or Bhabar (Eulaliopsis binata), Narkul (Arundo donax), Tiger Grass (Thysanolaena maxima), Khus Khus (Vetiveria zizanioides), Cymbopogon flexuosus (a tufted grass with pleasant aromatic leaves), Aristida cyanantha (found amidst boulders), Neyraudia arundinacea (with light brown inflorescence) and Heteropagon contortus (Spear Grass with conspicuous sharp blades that adhere to clothes and penetrates skin).
Woody climbers
Woody climbers found in the park are Milletia auriculata, Crypotepris buchanani, Porana paniculata (dense canopy with profuse white flowers), Clematis gouriana (shrubby twiner with tendril like branches) and Bauhinia vahlii (flat rusty hairy pods, large leaves used for making pattal)
Epiphytes and orchids
Epiphytes are plants that grow above the ground on other plants, and derive nutrients and water from rain, the air, dust, etc. They are found on sal and other trees in the park.
They include Dendrophthoe falcata (scarlet red flowers), Scurrula cordifolia (hairy coating on shoots and leaves), Vanda testacea(orchid with flat keeled leaves and beautiful spike flowers), Cuscuta reflexa (or ‘Dodder’, with interlaced yellow cord like habit, growing on shrubs).
Wetland vegetation
The semi aquatic species which inhabit marshy areas of Corbett include Polygonum, Veronica, Hypericum and Ranunculus etc.
Non-flowering plants
Tourism zones in Jim Corbett National Park
For better tourism management and convenience of visitors Jim Corbett National Park has been divided into five tourism zones each having separate entry gate.
Tourism zone
Entry Gate
Accomodation at Corbett national park
Forest rest house are made at various locations in all the tourists zones at Corbett which gives maximum probability of viewing wildlife. The selective locations of these rest houses makes the stay even more refreshing. One can listen to the sound of jungle at night or view the activities of the jungle after safari from these rest houses. Following are the rest house available for stay of visitors inside the park.
Dhikala Zone
Gairal: This FRH is reached by a short detour off the Dhangarhi-Dhikala main forest road. It lies on the banks of the Ramganga near the place where it first enters the Park. At Gairal the Ramganga portrays a different character than it does at places downstream (like Dhikala). Here, it is a crystal-clear, fast-flowing mountain river flowing through scenic forests. Being out of the way, Gairal presents ideal conditions for viewing wildlife and birds in tranquillity.
Sarapduli: This FRH lies on the Dhangarhi-Dhikala road. It is located downstream of Gairal on the flat southern bank of the Ramganga while the opposite northern bank rises steeply to a ridge. Movement of large mammals (tiger, elephant included) is quite high at Sarapduli. It is also a good place to see crocodiles and also good for birdwatching.
Khinnanauli: Located in the middle of Khinnanauli chaur, this FRH is an excellent tiger territory. It is one of the most recently built FRHs of Corbett. Its strategic location provides an easy getaway to various parts of the Park.
Dhikala: Dhikala is the most well known of the destinations in Corbett. It is located at the edge of the broad Patli Dun valley through which the Ramganga flows in numerous channels. Dhikala offers an awesome uninterrupted panoramic view of the valley, with the Kanda ridge in the backdrop. This sight appears all the more imposing from the watchtower near Dhikala. The Tourist Complex overlooks Dhikala chaur (one of the largest remaining grasslands of the Park) and Phulai chaur. A drive through the numerous trails through chaurs is rewarded with sightings of wild elephants, chital, hog deer and numerous grassland bird species and raptors. The Old FRH at Dhikala is a historic structure, having been built over a hundred years ago.
Kanda: Kanda lies in the northern part of the Park flanking the Himalayas. It is the highest FRH in the Park at about 1100 m. due to its elevation one can get a bird’s-eye view of the Park and the Ramganga valley below. While most of Corbett has a Shiwalik type of vegetation and topography, the forests at Kanda show characteristics that are Himalayan. The fauna also is typically Himalayan, with mammals like goral, Himalayan black bear, serow and leopards occurring here. Although the road to Kanda is bumpy and narrow the surroundings are extremely serene. The place finds mention in Jim Corbett’s writings in The Kanda Man-Eater.
Bijrani Zone
Bijrani: The area in and around Bijrani once formed part of a shooting block. During the British period it was much famed for the quality of game hunting that it offered to shikaris. In comparison to Dhikala, the terrain at Bijrani is drier and also has more diverse vegetation.
Malani: This FRH lies 12 km due northwest of Bijrani. Located on the edge of the core zone of the Park, Malani has offers one of the most picturesque surroundings and solitude. The drive up to Malani is quite rewarding in mammal and bird sightings.
Jhirna Zone
Sonanadi Wildlife Sanctuary and Reserve Forest buffer
Halduparao: The FRH, which was built about a hundred years ago, is located between the Palain and Sonanadi rivers a short distance before they drain into the Ramganga reservoir. It lies under the Sonanadi Wildlife Sanctuary and is known for its quiet, peaceful, riverine surroundings. Halduparao is a good place to watch wild elephants from close quarters during summer.
Lohachaur:This FRH is located in the northern part of Corbett Tiger Reserve in the RF buffer area. It lies on the banks of the river Mandal upstream of its confluence with the Ramganga. The access is from Durga Devi gate.
Rathuadhab:Located in the northern RF buffer, Rathuadhab lies on the forest road connecting Durga Devi in the east and Vatanvasa towards the west. It is a favoured spot for elephants.
» Ramganga Resort
» Infinity Resort
» Corbett River wild resort
» Campwild adventure
» Tiger Camp Jungle Lodge
» Corbett Jungle Retreat
» The Wild Crest Resort
» Manu Maharani Resort
» Corbett Hideaway
» Corbett Riverside Resort
» Corbett Jungle Club
» Corbett River View Retreat
» Solluna Resort
» Corbett Roop Resort
» Camp Forktail Creek Jungle Lodge
» Vanghat River Lodge
» Camp Riverwild
» Country Inn Treetops Resort
» Corbett County
» Corbett Suman Grand
» Corbett Kingdom
» Corbett Treff Hotel
» Jim's Jungle Retreat
» Corbett Wilds Camp and Retreat
» Ashoka's Tiger Trail
» Corbett Tiger Den Resort
Things to do Corbett Wildlife Safari
4wheel Drive Safari - Corbett
Safari Routes:
Dhikala - 50 kms from Ramnagar. Mandatory overnight stay inside the National Park.
Loharchaur - 43 kms from Ramnagar. Most frequented by birders.
Jhirna - 35 kms from Ramnagar.
Bijrani - 9kms from Ramnagar. For those with time constraints, this route offers the shortest safari inside the National Park.
Elephant Safari - Corbett
For those who always like to pave their own way, the best way to explore the park, is on an elephant's back. Undaunted by the thick of the jungle, the modern mammoth invariably leaves the beaten track and marches right into the unknown. The ride can be a mix of moments of pure wild thrill interspersed with long periods of utter peace.
Elephant Safari Routes :
Bijrani – Offers the adventure and thrill of exploring dense jungles and you never know how close you might be to the king of the jungle.
Dhikala – Offers fair chance of viewing tiger and other wildlife from close quarters in the grass lands.
Open Bus Safari - Corbett
It is the only way of visiting Dhikala - the heart of the National Park and come back within the same day. It is also a bit economical than a jeep safari if you are travelling alone.
4 Wheel Drive Safari - Sitabani
The ancient temple at Sitavani holds mythological importance for Hindus. It is believed to be the place where Sita spent her years in exile and raised her children. Other than that, the thick and enchanting forest is a safe haven for wild animals.
Horse Safari
Nature Hike
Nature Hike, the best way to experience the jungle. Feel how the villagers used to travel from one village to the other crossing dense jungles resting at water sources. There are many treks depending upon the difficulty level of the trek. Nature trek is allowed only at few areas and is restricted at most of the areas of the park.
Man Vs Wild
A challenge of jungle for physical strength. A tug of war between elephant and 15 men. Come and test where we stand as far as physical strength goes.
Rappelling/ River crossing/ Rock climbing
Enjoy the adventure activities like rappelling, river crossing and rock climbing. These activities can be arranged only for group of people above 15. They add on to the fun of staying at jim Corbett.